Georgian College

Passport - Barrie

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GEORGIAN PRIZE MACHINE CONTEST Get to the Prize Machine early! We will close promptly at 2 p.m. Don't miss your chance to win the $1000 Georgian Green Tuition Grant! 1. Contest is open to potential students who attend Spring Open House. 2. Contest open to students 18 and over. Contest is not open to employees or their family members/dependents. 3. Participants must visit at least six of the 11 Barrie Campus services identified on the Passport Map and have their passport stamped to enter the Georgian Prize Machine. 4. Goggles must be worn in the Prize Machine. Participant must face the front of the machine, must stand upright and cannot bend at the waist or knees to pick up cash from the floor. Participant may use his/her feet to kick up the cash that may accumulate in the bottom corners of the machine. Participant must not trap cash against roof, wall or body. Bills may only be caught in the air and placed in the black box provided. Bills cannot be put in pockets, clothing, mouth, under arms, between legs or under feet. The Participant wins the bills collected in the black box when time expires. Any additional bills grabbed after the contest official indicates time has expired will not be added to the winner's total prize. 5. As a condition of entering, Participants agree that Georgian shall not be liable for injury, loss or damage of any kind resulting from participating in this Contest. 6. Prizes to be awarded. QTY is the number of prizes available to be won and BILLS indicates the number/ type of bill(s) required for the listed prize item. 7. Participants must redeem bills to be awarded prize. Only one merchandise prize per person. Winners of Georgian Green Tuition Grant Ballots will be entered into draw for tuition grant prize of $1000. 8. Winners of Georgian Green Tuition Grant ballots must confirm acceptance in a Georgian College program of study that commences in September 2015 or January 2016 by 11:59 p.m. on March 29, 2015 to be entered in the draw. 9. A winning ballot will be chosen in a random draw on March 30, 2015 at 12:00 pm. Participants who have won an Open House Tuition Grant will not be eligible to win a Georgian Green Tuition Grant. Selected Winner will be notified by Georgian College. Odds of winning depend on the total number of ballots redeemed. 10. Selected Winner must answer a skill-testing question to be declared a Winner. Winner must sign and return Contest Winner Agreement within time frames specified in long form contest rules. 11. In order to receive the Tuition Grant, the Winner must be enrolled in full-time program of study at Georgian in the confirmed program. Students will forfeit tuition grant if they transfer into a different program before add/drop. Refunds are not allowed under any circumstance. 12. Full contest rules are available from Open House staff and online at 13. Participants consent to Georgian's contacting him/her via email to provide information about Georgian programs and events. Participant understands that he/she may withdraw my consent at any time by contacting 705.728.1968, ext. 5770, or ITEM QTY BILLS Key light bottle opener 3400 8 or less Stress ball 300 9 Hand cleanser 100 10 Tumbler 100 11 Coffee mug 96 12 Unisex T shirt – medium 30 13-18 Unisex T shirt – large 30 13-18 Unisex T shirt – extra large 20 13-18 Unisex Pullover – medium 20 19 or more Unisex Pullover – large 20 19 or more Unisex Pullover – extra large 10 19 or more Georgian Green Tuition Grant – Ballot 1 Specialty bill

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