Georgian College

2015 Continuing Education and Part-time Studies Guide - Winter/Spring

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Continuing Education & Part-time Studies Guide Winter/Spring 2015 58 postsecondary credit courses EARLY ChILDhOOD EDuCATION COuRSES Adaptive Communication Strategies This course will focus on the development of adaptive strategies to support children's interactions within their environment. There will be an emphasis on identification of communication needs to determine next steps and plan adaptive strategies. Students will utilize various media to design appropriate tools to enhance play, social interactions and communication. EcED 2027 | 42 hrs $325.50 loc date day time BA MAY 5 – JULY 21 TUE 6:30 – 10 P.M. Administration and Performance Management Upon completion of this course, the student will analyze the government policies, funding mechanisms and relevant legislation as they relate to early childhood programs. Through coaching and performance management techniques the student will gain an in-depth knowledge of the roles and responsibilities of all team members. EcED 2012 | 42 hrs $325.50 loc date day time BA JAN. 15 – APR. 16 THU 6:30 – 9:30 P.M. OL Child Development 1 Child Development I provides a comprehensive introduction to the principles of human development: the study of how people change over time. Part one introduces the student to the beginnings of the study of human development: research methods and designs, theories of development, the workings of heredity, and sequences of development from conception to birth. Part two examines the development of the child during the first two years of life, the rapid and radical changes during this relatively brief period, individual differences in patterns of development, and inter-relations between the child and his/her world. EcED 1022 | 42 hrs $397.50 date loc JAN. 13 – APR. 21 ONLINE MAY 12 – AUG. 18 ONLINE Child Development: Conception to Four years This course provides students with a theoretical knowledge of developmental principles from conception to four years of age. Students will identify major milestones and related theories for the periods of development from prenatal to early childhood. An understanding of milestones within the areas of physical, motor, social, personal, emotional, cognitive, language and moral development will be reinforced. An emphasis will also be placed on current research findings related to child development. EcED 1012 | 42 hrs $325.50 loc date day time BA MAY 4 – JULY 27 MON 6:30 – 10 P.M. Children's Health/Wellness This course explores holistic health and wellness principles to support children's development from birth to 12 years. Emphasis is placed on strategies to promote children's understanding of good health and nutritional habits. Students will examine legislative requirements of group care which are necessary to plan safe, inclusive and developmentally appropriate environments. EcED 1025 | 42 hrs $325.50 loc date day time BA JAN. 14 – APR. 15 WED 6:30 – 9:30 P.M. Experience in Language Arts This course provides students with both the theory and practical skills to promote the value of early literacy to plan language arts activities and to choose age-appropriate literature for children from birth to eight years of age. Students will explore and prastice the skills to promote the link between drama and literacy, as well as demonstrate their own story-telling abilities. EcED 1013 | 42 hrs $325.50 loc date day time BA MAY 6 – JULY 29 WED 6:30 – 10 P.M. Nuturing Infants and Toddlers This course focuses on group care of children from infancy to 30 months of age. Designing and fostering a safe, inclusive, and developmentally appropriate environment, which includes all seven curriculum areas, will be a major component of this course. The unique qualities, skills and supportive behaviours required to work with infants, toddlers and their families will be explored. Students will develop skills to meet the individual needs of this age group and examine relevant legislation. EcED 1014 | 42 hrs $325.50 loc date day time BA JAN. 12 – APR. 13 MON 6:30 – 9:45 P.M. OL Observing the young Child Observing as the primary method for gathering information about young children will be the focus of the course. Students will develop skills in the implementation of a range of observation techniques including descriptive narratives, time samplings, event samplings, anecdotal records, frequency counts, checklists, charts and mappings. Students are required to find a licensed child care centre to perform the observing hours. Children must be between the ages of two and a half and five. Students registering for this course will be required to submit various forms including an up-to- date immunization form and a Criminal Reference Check including a Vulnerable Sector Screen prior to completing their observing hours. The observation data collected during this course will be utilized in the Child Development II course. Students must retain their agreement/permission forms from this course which will be submitted when taking the Child Development II course. EcED 1023 | 42 hrs $397.50 date loc JAN. 13 – APR. 21 ONLINE MAY 12 – AUG. 18 ONLINE Personal/Professional Wellness This course examines dimensions of wellness and strategies to achieve work/life balance. Students will participate in a journey of self-awareness and develop strategies for personal and professional growth. Diversity will be honoured in a respectful fashion including the exploration of multigenerational views, cultural practices and traditions. A reflection of one's personal strengths and goals will be used to create a professional portfolio. EcED 2026 | 42 hrs $325.50 loc date day time BA MAY 7 – JULY 23 THU 6:30 – 10 P.M. Prep for Field Placement Offered on a requested basis – call the Orillia Campus span class="baec5a81-e4d6-4674-97f3-e9220f0136c1" style="white-space: nowrap;"705.325.2740a title="Call: 705.325.2740" style="margin: 0px; border: currentColor; left: 0px; top: 0px; width: 16px; height: 16px; right: 0px; bottom: 0px; overflow: hidden; vertical-align: middle; float: none; display: inline; white-space: nowrap; position: static !important;" href="#"img title="Call: 705.325.2740" style="margin: 0px; border: currentColor; left: 0px; top: 0px; width: 16px; height: 16px; right: 0px; bottom: 0px; overflow: hidden; vertical-align: middle; float: none; display: inline; white-space: nowrap; position: static !important;" src=""/a/span, ext. 3030 for details. EcED 1020 | 24 hrs $186 loc date day time OR JAN. 12 – APR. 3 OR MAY 11 – JULY 24

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