Living our mission
I'm pleased to present our latest impact report, which highlights our successes from
the previous academic year and celebrates all we've achieved. I hope you'll see your
contributions reflected in these pages and be inspired by the impact we're making as
a multi-campus college.
Georgian's people, programs and partnerships are essential to strengthening our economy,
addressing critical workplace shortages, solving complex local and global challenges, and
ultimately ensuring a strong and sustainable future. What drives us is an innovative spirit,
relentless creativity and a desire to lead meaningful change.
I'm proud to be Georgian's president and part of a team that profoundly cares. We embrace
challenges as opportunities and are energized by the potential of our collective strength
and success. Our mission is to inspire innovation, transform lives and connect communities
through the power of education and, as you'll discover, we're living that mission every day.
I share this report to keep accountable to you – our constituents – but also to invite you
further into our community. There are many ways to get involved with Georgian that are of
mutual benefit. I encourage you to reach out to see how we can deepen our partnership.
Thank you for being part of our continued growth and innovation.
Kevin Weaver
President and CEO, Georgian College
Chi-Miigwech. Thank you.
Aaniin, She:Kon, Nakurmiik, Tanshi, which
means hello in Ojibwe, Mohawk, Inuktitut and
Michif (the traditional language of the Métis).