Check, your one-stop, self-serve portal
designed to enhance your Georgian experience!
You'll be able to find answers to service-related questions
including financial aid and awards information faster,
connect with student services, and track inquiries and
tickets – all from ONE platform.
You can reach Financial Aid and Awards, by:
• Submitting an inquiry through
• Emailing us at
Please leave only one email message and include your student number.
• Calling us at 705.722.1530
If we're answering another call, you can leave us a voicemail.
All voicemails are confidential and answered in sequence.
Please leave only one voicemail and mention your student number.
• Coming to our in-person services in the Office of the Registrar
at the Barrie Campus (C building room 170) during our regular
business hours (Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.)
• Visiting our website for more information | 705.722.1530