Aanin Boozhoo (hello), and heartfelt
congratulations, Grizzlies.
Reaching this moment took a lot of hard
work, perseverance and commitment.
You've earned it! We're so proud of you
and all you've achieved.
It wasn't so long ago I was a student.
I remember balancing studies with other
responsibilities wasn't easy. Layer on the
uncertainty and disruption caused by the
pandemic, and you overcame even greater
obstacles than likely expected. I admire and
am inspired by your determination and grit.
Along the way, you also acquired new skills
– like empathy and creative problem solving
– that will set you apart with employers
and help you adapt more quickly to future
You experienced a rapid amount of change
in a short period of time and are about to
experience more as you take the next step
in your life and career. Maybe you have
plans after graduation or maybe you're still
trying to figure out what's next. Regardless,
I encourage you to see this new beginning
as an opportunity. Embrace it, be curious
and stay open to the possibilities. Don't be
afraid to take risks, innovate and even fail
sometimes, as that's often when we learn
our greatest lessons. I know wonderful
adventures are ahead for each of you.
You now join 94,000 other Georgian alumni
living, working and making an impact
all over the world. Today, we don't say
goodbye but rather baa-maa-pii, which
means until later in Anishnaabemowin
(language of the Ojibwe people of these
territories). Team Georgian will always be
here for you, and we hope you'll keep in
touch and share your stories.
Wishing you all the best. Miigwech
(thank you).
Kevin Weaver
President and CEO