The Georgian College Alumni Association honours two recipients
annually with the Child of Alumni Scholarship. The scholarship is
provided to students who demonstrate academic excellence and
financial need, and who are also the children of Georgian alumni.
The 2020 recipients of the scholarship are: Gracii Partridge and
Crystal Roy. Both recipients have impressive credentials and are
the children of proud Georgian graduates.
Gracii is currently in her first year of Welding Techniques at
the Midland Campus. Her mother, Lia (Heidi) Saastamoinen
graduated with a Business certificate and Skills of Helping
certificate in 1998.
"This has helped me by paying off what I needed paid off for the
semester and the rest went to things needed for the household,"
says Gracii.
Crystal is in her third year of the Honours Bachelor of Interior
Design program at the Barrie Campus. Her mother, Arcangela
(Angela) Roy graduated with a Teaching and Training Adults
certificate in 2013.
"This scholarship was put toward my tuition cost," says Crystal. "It
helped me a lot this year. As with a lot of people, I have been out
of work, and because the scholarship paid the rest of my tuition,
cost wasn't as much of a struggle for me."
Gracii Partridge and Crystal Roy
Your satisfaction as a Georgian
graduate and your career
success is important to us.
All Ontario colleges participate in a
government-led graduate satisfaction
survey for recent graduates. Six months
after you graduate and again two years
later, you'll be contacted by Forum
Research Inc. to share your thoughts.
Please know that all your responses
and information provided to
Forum Research will be kept
strictly confidential and only
shared with Georgian College.
You can keep your alumni
contact information up to date at
Your feedback can help shape
Georgian's future, so we can
continue to meet the needs of
our students and alumni.
Our Institutional Research team
is here to answer any questions
or concerns that you have. Email
Courtney Duthie,
Project Analyst, Institutional Research
Class of 2011, 2014 and 2017
Crystal Roy Gracii Partridge (sitting) with her mom,
Lia (Heidi) Saastamoinen, class of 1998.