Georgian College

Pow Wow Booklet 2020

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FOR MORE INFORMATION: Amy Taylor Special Events Co-ordinator 705.728.1968, ext. 1373 DOORS OPEN: 10:30 a.m. GRAND ENTRY: Noon BREAK: 5 to 7 p.m. GRAND ENTRY: 7 p.m. ADMISSION: Non-perishable food item or pay what you can – proceeds to Georgian Food Locker TRADITIONAL 12 TH POW WOW HONOURING THE MAPLE SUGAR MOON ZIISBAAKDOKE-GIIZIS The third moon of Creation is Sugar Moon. As the maple sap begins to run, we learn of one of the main medicines given to the Anishnaabe, which balances our blood and heals us. During this time, we are encouraged to balance our lives as we would our blood sugar levels. SATURDAY, MARCH 11, 2017 Georgian College – Barrie Campus Athletic Centre One Georgian Dr., Barrie ON • Emcee: Beedahsiga Elliott • Host Drum: Chippewa Travellers • Co-host Drum: Coldwater Ojibway • Illustration: Nazhnee Bell Gdi-Nweninaa: Our Sound, Our Voices 9th Traditional POWWOW Saturday, March 8, 2014 Georgian College Barrie Campus – Athletic Centre DOORS OPEN: 10:30 a.m. GRAND ENTRY: Noon BREAK: 5 to 6:30 p.m. CLOSING: 9 p.m. HOST DRUM: Poplar Singers CO-HOST DRUM: Smoketrail Singers HEAD DANCERS: Lee Benson and Jonnie Shields ADMISSION Non-perishable food item or pay what you can FOR MORE INFORMATION: Sarah Cunningham Aboriginal Special Events and Promotions Co-ordinator 705.728.1968, ext. 1369 FOR MORE INFORMATION: Hillary Trudeau Special Events Co-ordinator 705.728.1968, ext. 1373 DOORS OPEN: 10:30 a.m. GRAND ENTRY: Noon BREAK: 5 to 7 p.m. GRAND ENTRY: 7 p.m. ADMISSION: Non-perishable food item or pay what you can – proceeds to Georgian Food Locker MC: Beedahsiga Elliott ARENA DIRECTOR: Zak Hajjaoui and Cody McGregor HOST DRUM: Crazy Nation CO-HOST DRUM: Misty Creek HEAD DANCERS: Raven Copegog and Robert Henry TRADITIONAL 11 TH POW WOW MOVING FORWARD TOGETHER: WIIJIGAABIWITAADIDAA NIIGAAN ZHAAYING SATURDAY, MARCH 12, 2016 Georgian College – Barrie Campus Athletic Centre One Georgian Dr., Barrie ON ADMISSION: Non-perishable food item or pay what you can – proceeds to Georgian Food Locker VENDORS: Must pre-register as space is limited MC: Beedahsiga Elliot ARENA DIRECTOR: Zak Hajjaoui HOST DRUM: Charging Horse CO-HOST DRUM: Sky Blue Singers HEAD DANCERS: Lee Benson and Melissa Greenbird TRADITIONAL 10 TH POW WOW 10 YEARS OF DANCE AND SONG: MIDAASO BBONONG NIIMWIN MIINWAA NGAMWIN PAST For more information: Beedahsiga Elliott, Events/Pow Wow Co-ordinator 705.728.1968, ext. 1373 FOR MORE INFORMATION: Eva Brown, Special Events Co-ordinator 705.728.1968, ext. 1373 or 13 Traditional POW WOW th Honouring the Gifts of Plants and Animals Saturday, March 10, 2018 Georgian College Barrie Campus gymnasium Athletic Centre One Georgian Dr., Barrie ON Doors open: 10:30 a.m. Grand Entry: Noon Break: 5 to 7 p.m. Grand Entry: 7 p.m. Emcee: Beedahsiga Elliot Host Drum: Boys from the Bay Co-host Drum: Wild Cubz Illustration: Kevin Ritchie Admission: non-perishable food item or pay what you can – proceeds go to Georgian Food Locker (student food bank). POW WOW 14 Traditional th Doors open: 10:30 a.m. Grand Entry: Noon Break: 5 to 7 p.m. Grand Entry: 7 p.m. Emcee: Stephanie Pangowish Host Drum: Big Train Co-host Drum: Red Spirit Singers Illustration: Hal Cameron Admission: non-perishable food item or pay what you can – proceeds go to Georgian Food Locker (student food bank). FOR MORE INFORMATION: Eva Brown, Special Events Co-ordinator 705.728.1968, ext. 1373 or Saturday, March 9, 2019 Georgian College Barrie Campus Gymnasium Athletic Centre One Georgian Dr. Barrie ON Minaajaadaa Bemwidoojig GiKendmowin Honouring Elders and Knowledge Keepers Hand drum competition during dinner break Dance specials throughout the day IND-19-426 Pow Wow Poster_FV05.indd 1 2/26/2019 10:41:13 AM WOW POW EVENTS

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